Monday, March 29, 2010

Women's Rights

For the third part of our Women's Wellness Series, here is a list of women’s forgotten rights. These are reminders of what you are entitled to as a women and as a person. Many of these basic rights are often forgotten, so be sure you remind yourself, your female friends and family of what they can have. The final part of the series will include inspiring words for women.
Please share this information with the women in your life.

1. You have the right to be happy.
2. You have the right to know your worth and feel good about yourself.
3. You have the right to love your body will all of its so called "imperfections".
4. You have the right to say no. To anything.
5. You have the right to take good care of yourself.
6. You have the right to stop feeling guilty for the past and start living in the moment.
7. You have the right to have wants and needs.
8. You have the right to ask for help and get support whenever you need it.
9. You have the right to feel beautiful, loved and truly amazing.
10. You have the right to know your rights, no matter what other people say.

I would love to hear from you! Please write in with any comments or questions about women's wellness issues. All information will remain confidential if emailed to Thanks for checking in!

Take Good Care,
Amy L. Hooper
Director, Another Look at Healing, LLC