Try not to compare yourself to others.
Reflect on the accomplishments or times in your life you feel good about.
Get some physical exercise- its quite empowering and reaps various physical and emotional benefits.
Set a small goal and achieve it.
Don't beat yourself up: Talk to yourself as you would to a friend.
Focus on the things you can change/control, such as your reaction to certain experiences/events.
Spend time doing activities and things you enjoy.
Practice being in the moment, even for just a few breaths, or minutes.
Take care of you, you are the only one who truly can.
See if you can start with trying out one or two of the above self esteem building activities and check in with yourself about how you may feel. Small steps can lead to great gains to your self worth. If you find yourself struggling with self esteem or are thinking about how a therapist may be able to help you, contact us at Gaithersburg Counseling Center. You may reach us at, 240-274-5680, or